Waivers and Other Agreements:
A Handbook for Recreation and Sport Organizations

Waivers and Other Agreements:
A Handbook for Recreation and Sport Organizations
Waivers and Other Agreements: A Handbook for Recreation and Sport Organizations covers one of the most commonly misunderstood, yet frequently used risk management tools - the waiver. Commonly dismissed as “not worth the paper its written on”, yet a fixture of registration in every sport organization and event across the country, a waiver is in fact a valuable part of your risk management program. The publication covers four main topic areas: What Is a Waiver?, How to Improve a Waiver, Advantages and Disadvantages of Waivers, and Alternatives to Waivers.
The value of a waiver and how it will be interpreted, definitions, common terms and wording, and how a waiver is executed are all covered, along with practical suggestions on how to be sure your waiver fits your need. Perhaps most important, the handbook debunks the idea that a single waiver “template” will be useful in every situation- a waiver is a contract which must be specific to the event and the situation. Considering how frequently untrained volunteers and staff simply copy “someone else’s waiver” for their own event, this piece of knowledge is vital.
To order your copy of Waivers and Other Agreements, please click