SPORT VOLUNTEERISM TRAINING MODULES Developed by the Sport Alliance of Ontario (SAO) and Parks & Recreation Ontario (PRO) with support from the Trillium Foundation, a new series of 'turn key' workshops has been created specifically for sport groups to run and host in their own communities. Ten topics, including fundraising, volunteer screening and volunteer recruitment, as well as a Volunteer Guide which will give you an idea of how to plan and run each of these ten workshops, can be found in a downloadable format here.
This page is designed to provide quick, free access to resources dealing with many topics pertinent to you, the sport volunteer. It's an easy to use, one-stop shop for up-to-date information from many different sources. New items will be added quarterly and outdated material deleted so that you are only getting the most current information.
The following studies were prepared by Alison Doherty, PhD for Parks & Recreation Ontario and Sport Alliance of Ontario in 2005. The first provides an in-depth profile of the volunteer and discusses such issues as barriers to volunteerism. The other study investigates volunteers' perceptions of sport organization practices and needs with regard to volunteer mangement.
A Profile of Community Sport Volunteers - Phase 1, Final Report
A Profile of Community Sport Volunteers - Executive Summary
Volunteer Management in Community Sport Clubs - Executive Summary
Recreation Nova Scotia has released a research report, "The Volunteer Experience of Women in Sport and Recreation", to serve as a provincial benchmark for female volunteerism within the sport and recreation sector in Nova Scotia and provide critical data from which to develop strategies that will address the serious under-representation of female volunteers within the sector, particularly in leadership and decision-making positions.
The study was initiated by Recreation Nova Scotia, in collaboration with Sport Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection. Data collection, analysis, and reporting were provided by a team of researchers at Acadia University, led by Dr. Brenda Robertson.
The complete report is available for download at:
Use the links below to find on-line resources, specific to sport and recreation groups, on the following topics:
Click here for a list of all the Provincial Sport and Recreation Organizations
Imagine Canada - www.imaginecanada.ca - is a great resource for research data |
Use www.google.com and key words to find excellent on-line volunteer resources from Canada and other countries such as the U.S., the U.K. and Australia |
By laws Sample. Ontario Amputee and Les Autre Sports Association
Getting started. Charity Village
Quick guides on how to start a non-profit charity. Site includes links to Initial Questions, Planning, Incorporation, related articles and on-line discussion groups.www.charityvillage.com/cv/guides/guide4.asp
Governance. Institute on Governance
Looks at both the theory and practice of getting to better board governance. The aim is not to provide universal solutions but facilitate the process by which organizations can tailor their own governance solutions.http://www.iog.ca/boardgovernance/
Incorporation. Corporation Centre
Frequently asked questions about incorporation. What is a non-profit corporation? Why incorporate?www.corporationcentre.ca/docen/home/faq.asp?id=incnp
Non-profit fundraising has increased at an alarming rate and there is severe competition for each available dollar from corporate, institutional, and individual donors, as well as from product sales and direct marketing. There are no unique fundraisers, just unique ways of presenting good fundraising events and learning to write great proposals.
Fundsport is a not-for-profit organization specializing in seeking out new trends and innovative ideas for fundraisers. Their mission is to provide the tools and resources to encourage teams and groups to embrace new technologies and ideas. They have just launched a new free 7 day course called "Building A Web Page for Fundraising Profit".
www.fundsport.ca Added July 5/07
Quick Tips for Fundraising
http://www.givingandvolunteering.ca/reports/manuals_fund_tips.asp Added July 22/07
Grants for Specific Projects
Available in a limited way through the Province of Ontario Trillium Foundation
These grants are to fund capital, operating and specific projects in the arts and culture, environment, human and social services and recreation.There are 30 Community Foundations in Ontario that can fund project-oriented proposals. They are available at the Canadian Foundations website.
Link to a variety of funding sources available to sport and other non-profit groups. Charity Village
Recommend local groups to go to their municipal websites and/or contact the Community Services Departments.
Sport funding and promotion examples - see Sport Kingston
This site also includes references to grants available through Bell Community Sport Fund, Canada Games Days - Community project, and hiring summer students through the Government of Canada (HRDC). In addition, it provides a clear explanation and link to the "SportIs" development fund, providing you with a way to arrange for an income tax receipt for gifts or financial donations.
Municipal Volunteer Toolkit - Practical Strategies to Enhance Municipal Support for Your Volunteer Program, Sue Peterson, PK Associates under the auspices of the Canada Volunteerism Initiative (CVI)
The primary goal of this toolkit is to assist you and your municipality in developing a plan to sustain and enhance your current level of volunteer engagement in a safe, well-managed approach.
Nonprofit Library Commons
www.nonprofitscan.caOn this site you will find practical resources, promising practices and up-to-date intelligence on the state of Canada's nonprofit sector. Explore the library knowledgebase! Join their online community!Giving and Volunteering
GivingandVolunteering.ca was developed by Imagine Canada in concert with Volunteer Canada.
It is designed to provide you with the statistics and resources developed from the 1997, 2000 and 2004 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (NSGVP). Copyright is waived for non-commercial use by charitable and nonprofit organizations in Canada. You are encouraged to copy and distribute their publications freely.
A template for inviting parents, spectators to volunteer. Special Olympics, Manitoba
This site does a good job of outlining job descriptions for Special Olympic program volunteers, assistant coaches and head coaches.
Forms developed by Gymnastics Ontario
The Gymnastics Ontario site has a complete forms directory and the dates posted. It includes an accident claim form, a coach's hour tracking form, and coach self evaluation and coach evaluation forms.
40 hours of community involvement developed by the Ontario Equestrian Federation
This Ontario site comes with a quick link that provides students with two opportunities to get their 40 hours of community involvement at events involving equestrian activities.
Job descriptions from Sport and Recreation Queensland
This Australian site provides an excellent resource for writing job descriptions for volunteers, including event volunteers.
Profile of community coach/volunteers from Imagine Canada
Resources on-line from Imagine Canada
Volunteer Management from The Ontario Rural Council
A volunteer management tool kit called Valuing the Rural Volunteer provides a comprehensive outline of everything from recruitment, screening and recognizing volunteers to tag lines for advertising and recognition ideas.
All sports organizations should ask members to check the availability of corporate support from their employers (for example, hospitals, manufacturing companies, fire and police departments all have available support programs to employess who are volunteering).
Screening Tools from the Ontario Soccer Association and Burlington Youth Soccer working with Volunteer Canada have developed a comprehensive manual for all Soccer Groups in Ontario. The Handbook includes:
Why we screen volunteers A club policy Position descriptions, risk factors and screening criteria Volunteer selection/the interview process and questions to ask A reference check script Evaluation process.The handbook is in word format and can be readily accessed.
5f1d64216618bf9f85256cc3005d02e4Screening Tools from Volunteer Canada
Volunteer Canada has developed many resources to support excellence in volunteer management, risk management and non-profit governance. Volunteer Canada has developed specific tools to support the following:
- Volunteer Screening
- Board Development
- Volunteer Management
- Youth Volunteering
- FAQ's
Volunteer Screening Tools from Volunteer Canada has developed a comprehensive workbook to support volunteer job description development and risk analysis and 10 steps for screening volunteers. Workbook includes:
- Exercises in determining volunteer risk factors
- Sample volunteer application form
- Reference check form
- Consent for criminal record search
- Sample screening policy
- Sample orientation format
- Advice on what you can and cannot ask in an interview or application form.
Volunteer Screening Model from Ministry of Tourism, Sport & Arts, Government of British Columbia has an excellent resource for screening model. This resource includes an exercise in risk management, basic steps to screening, policy development, etc.
Volunteer Non-profit Resources from Charity Village
Quick guides will link users to a wide variety of volunteer non-profit resources. Excellent e-newsletters on Board Governance and Volunteer Management.
Understanding the Funder and Proposal. The basics are available in Charity Village
Proposal Writing Course Online. The Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition (OHCC) and The Health Communication Unit (THCU) have produced an on-line course to help not-for-profit organizations plan and prepare winning proposals. It is a self-directed course with six modules, i.e. Developing (or Revisiting) Your Program Plan, Seeking Funding, Managing the Proposal Development Process, Developing Your Proposal, Producing and Packaging your Proposal, and Submitting and Following-up.
Corporate Donations. Bell/BCE
An intriguing site with an excellent and easy to follow FAQ and an application you can download is available to Bell/BCE employees or retirees. Grant limits are $500 for an individual or $2500 for a team through the BCE Volunteering in Community Sport program.http://www.bce.ca/en/community/employee/communitysport/index.php
Fundsport is a not-for-profit organization specializing in seeking out new trends and innovative ideas for fundraisers. Their mission is to provide the tools and resources to encourage teams and groups to embrace new technologies and ideas. They have just launched a new free 7 day course called "Building A Web Page for Fundraising Profit".
www.fundsport.ca Added July 5/07
Ontario Athlete of the Year awards
Sport Alliance of Ontario has links to Ontario Athlete of the Year awards as well as to other sport award programs. This site includes a grant application and is a financial award. The site also has the Community Sport Award (with a link) for sport councils or groups that function as a collective sport for a municipality.Ontario Athlete of the Year awards
Baseball awards - Baseball Ontario Awards. Baseball Ontario has awards for volunteer of the year, coaches and athletes
Coaching awards - Coaches Association of Ontario website has awards for coaches at various levels: recreational/grassroots, development athletes, school sport athletes, high performance athletes Coaches Association of Ontario - Awards & Excellence
Volunteer Awards
This links you to the Ontario Volunteer Awards, such as the Volunteer Service Awards, the Ontario Medal for Youth Volunteers, and the Outstanding Achievement Awards for Volunteerism in Ontario. There is a description of each award and the contact information. Provincial Awards - Canada's site for information on volunteering.www.volunteer.ca/volcan/eng/content/other/prov-awards.php?display=4,0#on
Volunteers incentives, the Halton Sports Partnership
This British Site, the Halton Sports Partnership, is based on the equivalent of a city or municipality in Ontario, offers a volunteer incentive scheme, to recruit, reward, recognize and support young volunteers to age 24 and their mentors who are also volunteering for sports. It is based on a tangible reward, such as a shirt for 50 hours of volunteer work; the mentor is also eligible for awards. Volunteer Incentive Scheme Halton Borough Council.http://www2.halton.gov.uk/sportspartnership/content/volunteerincentivescheme/?a=5441
Volunteer Appreciation. This is an amazing Australian site with a comprehensive "thanks program" divided into thanks to coaches, volunteers, and officials. Each category has a comprehensive list of ideas, downloadable forms and brochures and activities. This program was designed as 'thanks' from 3 groups: organizations, industry and participants. The ideas have come from previous efforts stemming from the International Year of the Volunteer. Sport & Recreation ACT-Coaching/Officiating Awards.
Canada Career Week 1998 actually has a sample Public Service Announcement (PSA).
Canadian Language & Literacy Research Network. This article provides guidance in the following areas:
Developing a Media Release Preparing for Media Contact Media Interviewswww.cllrnet.ca/Docs/RESOURCES/MediaRelations.pdf
Community Helpers. This link, from the 'Community Helpers' site based in the UK, has several articles providing general advice on volunteering in the community. The site is continually updated with new content.
Charity Village Resources Library. The link will take you to the resources library for Charity Village and you can access some very current articles on the following topics and more.
- Succession planning
- Strategic planning
- Communication plan tool kits
- Risk management
- Creating a volunteer handbook
- Using templates
Notprofitcan is the public information portal of Imagine Canada. This site includes information from Imagine Canada's research program and the Imagine Canada's - John Hodgson Library. All articles and research are geared to the non-profit sector.
Understanding the Capacity of Sports and Recreation Organizations. This research paper is a synthesis from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary organizations and the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating. This paper speaks to National trends in both financial and human resources within the sector.
Johnstone Training and Consultation (JTC) Inc. JTC is an excellent resource for the purchase of current, relevant resources for the not-for-profit sector. The resource catelogue has publications on Risk Management, Governance, Volunteer Management, Fundraising and much more. Many of the resources are Canadian.
Charity Village Resources Library. The link will take you to the resources library for Charity Village and you can access some very current articles on the following topics and more.
- Succession planning
- Strategic planning
- Communication plan tool kits
- Risk management
- Creating a volunteer handbook
- Using templates
Centre for Sport and Law - an email newsletter that shares information on new developments that may affect sport organizations. They also have a book store with practical guides on legal and risk management for sport and recreation administrators.
Total Non Profit Resources TNPR - is a website established to support the non-profit volunteer sector. They have e-newsletters and a resource library on line.
Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating
Conducted in 2004 by Statistics Canada, the CSGVP includes new information about how Canadians support one another and their communities. Read the full report:
Play your way to fitness; Physical activity all day long: Building movement into the school curriculum; and Switch off the TV and Play are among several new studies of systematic reviews and research now available. The purpose of conducting the studies of systematic reviews and research designed to increase levels of physical activity for children and youth is to help generate ideas and discussion among individuals interested in improving children's physical activity levels in Nova Scotia.
Keeping the body moving during PE!
Switch off the TV and PLAY!
Physical activity all day long: Building movement into the school curriculum
Physical activity breaks during school day helps children be active
Physical activity for girls that is school specific but not just PE
Play your way to fitness
Encouraging children to be physically active in their lives can work!
Game equipment during recess increases physical activity
Computer exercise and diet intervention brings interesting results
Creating a positive physical activity school environment for primary children
Promoting physical activity for adolescents: Inside and outside school
A 12-week Program for Children/Youth Can Make a Difference
Family focused obesity intervention for high risk participants
Active on the Weekend!
Pilates keeps girls moving
Pooch on the move!