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The BC Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Course is for experienced sailors who are participating in distance and offshore races and passages. The course includes classroom and practical sessions. Topics covered include safety equipment, storm sails, weather forecasts, heavy weather, man overboard, emergency signals and communications. Practical sessions include inflating and using lifejackets and life rafts in a pool environment. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a CYA-ISAF Approved Offshore Personal Survival Course certificate, valid for five years.
* note these links will take you to the West Vancouver Yacht Club online registration system
Online Registration:
Register here for Class 8 - March 31-April 1, 2012
Sailors around the world take Safety at Sea training to prepare themselves and their boats for distance and offshore sailing. Safety at Sea programs are offered in many countries, including Australia, France, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. Some sailing race organizers recommend or require Safety at Sea training for participating crews. The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) specifies personal survival training requirements in section 6 of the Offshore Special Regulations, and outlines a course in Appendix G of those regulations.
In British Columbia, the Southern Straits Race, Swiftsure Race and Van Ilse 360 Race recommend Safety at Sea training, and the Vic-Maui Race requires it.
Course Syllabus
Download the Course Syllabus
Times & Locations
Day 1: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Day 2: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
West Vancouver Yacht Club
(host club; course facilities may be in West or North Vancouver)
5854 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC
Canada V7W 2S2
Organization and Instructors
BC Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Course is offered by BC Sailing through local yacht clubs. The course was developed by the Safety at Sea Working Group, comprised of representatives of four distance races and their organizing authorities:
Southern Straits Yacht Race
West Vancouver Yacht Club
Vic-Maui International Yacht Race
Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
Swiftsure International Yacht Race
Royal Victoria Yacht Club
Van Isle 360 International Yacht Race
Van Isle Marine Productions
BC Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Course instructors are approved by BC Sailing and the Canadian Yachting Association.
Student Requirements and Advance Information
Price & Registration
The Offshore Personal Survival Course is $275.00, plus taxes, in Canadian funds.
* note these links will take you to the West Vancouver Yacht Club online registration system
Online Registration:
Register here for Class 8 - March 31-April 1, 2012
For more information, please contact:
BC Sailing
Kevin Black
phone: 604-333-3628
email: blackkev@hotmail.com
West Vancouver Yacht Club
Graeme Clendenan
phone: 604-921-7575 extension 231
email: sailingdirector@wvyc.bc.ca