Sailors and Parents:
CANSail means more time on the water, and sailors have more fun and learn skills that match their age and developmental stage. CANSail is designed to get sailors excited about sailing and promote sailing as a lifelong sport. CANSail focuses on core skills that are developed throughout the 6 levels that allows sailors to progress in any type of boat.
Not all clubs will be transitioning to CANSail this year, so your home club may still offer the "old" White and Bronze Sail program. These are still good, and many coaches and instructors will be implementing parts of CANSail into this program.
Coaches and Instructors:
Every current trained and registered coach who is not taking a technical or professional development course in 2012 must take a CANSail Accreditation Module in order to teach the new CANSail levels and access the CANSail resources. The entire transition process will take 3 years, so clubs have until December 2014 to ensure all their instructors are trained to teach CANSail; the old white/bronze/silver/gold program can be taught until then.
We recommend all currently trained and certified coaches participate in a CANSail Accreditation Module, even if your club is not transitioning this year. Taking this accreditation grants you access to CANSail resources that you can implement into the White and Bronze program. These modules are offered throughout the province in the spring and are free for all CYA registered coaches. Clubs wishing to host a training module for their coaches can email to set up a date. Any coaches taking a professional development module or technical course in 2012 will receive CANSail accreditation during their course.
Click here for the CANSail Club Pack. This provides tools and information to help your club transition to the new CANSail program.
The CANSail poster is now available for download. Instructions on incorporating your club's information is also available for download.
Where do I fit in?
Sailors and coaches will be placed into the CANSail program at levels that most closely resemble the old program.
Sailors -
see this chart for where you fit into CANSail or
help choosing what level to take. Your home club can also assist with registration in CANSail.
Coaches -
see this chart for where you fit into CANSail
I still have questions about CANSail
If you are still unsure of where you fit in CANSail, which course to register for, or any other questions about transitioning to CANSail, email Jenn at