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School Credit - Athletes Standards

 Application Form

Athlete 10
(4 credits)

Athlete 11
(4 credits)

Athlete 12
(4 credits)


Regional/Zone Select Team
(programs/teams must be representative of a region/zone of the province)

Provincial Team Regional

Team BC - Western Canada Summer Games

Team BC - North American Indigenous Games

BC Athlete Assistance Program

Provincial Team National

Team BC - Canada Games

Jr. National Team

Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program


Provincial Championships

BC Summer  or Winter Games

Inter-Provincial Regional Championships

Western Canada Summer Games

North American Indigenous Games

National Championships

Canada Summer/Winter Games

World Senior/Junior Championships

Major Games

Training Diary




Min. # Hours of Training/Year




Yearly/Seasonal Training Plan





The following coaching certification levels are recommended but will not exlude programs from being eligible for inclusion in the EC-SC Program.

Coaching Certification

NCCP Introduction to Competition;
NCCP Level 2

NCCP Introduction to Competition;
NCCP Level 2

NCCP Introduction to Competition;
NCCP Level 3

UXSA 10 (4 credits): Participate in a Regional/Zone Select program and provincial level competition, keep a training diary, have a seasonal training plan and train a minimum of 100 hours per year.

UXSA 11 (4 credits): Participate in a provincial progam that competes in inter-provincial regional level competition, keep a training diary, have a seasonal training plan and train a minimum of 100 hours per year.

UXSA 12 (4 credits): Participate in a provincial program that competes in national level competition or higher, keep a training diary, have a seasonal training plan and train a minimum of 100 hours per year.

All programs within the External Credits - Sport Credits program must have a selection process in place to identify potential participants.

All student-participants must provide a verification letter to their school counsellor to receive credits.  Verification letters are provided by the respective provincial sport organization.  For team BC and BC Games participates' verification letters will be provided by the following organizations:

Team BC, BC Athlete Assistance Program and Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program have been pre-approved for credit in Athlete 11 or Athlete 12.  Provincial sport organizations do not have to submit an application for the BC Athlete Program but they will be responsible to provide verification letters that the athlete is involved in the program.  The Team BC Program Manager at the Sport and Recreation Branch will be responsible for providing and distributing verification letters for Team BC athletes who completed at the Western Canada Summer Games or Canada Games.  For athletes receiving Sport Canada Athlete Assistance, they should be directed to contact their National Sport Organization for a vertification letter.

For sports whose BC Games programs have been approved for credit in the External Sport credential Program, the BC Games Society will be responsible for sending out verification letters to those athletes that competed at the BC Games.  Athletes will need to contact the BC Games Society to request a verification letter.


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