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BC Sailing Training Membership Policy
  Over the past 5 years, BC Sailing’s membership numbers have stayed steady with the membership numbers we receive from clubs, but the membership we have are often the older sailors and not the real users of our programs.  The Sport BC funding formula has changed over the past 5 years and the block funding BC Sailing used to get no longer exits, rather the funding is based on the number of members we have in the different age brackets.  A member is a participant who has taken part in a sailing activity and somebody who has paid a fee to the provincial association and we have their:
  • first and last name initial;
  • birth date;
  • sex;
  • postal code.

In most sports, every participant has to be an individual member of their provincial sports association, and in some cases nationally as well.  This is true for sports like cross country skiing, hockey, gymnastics, swimming, TaeKwanDo, track and field and the list goes on.  All these sports require a membership fee paid to their PSO to maintain the learn-to programs.  By doing this, the sports get great big numbers of participants and can further enhance their funding to better their deliveries to both clubs and individuals. The cruising participants have for years been registered at BC Sailing and this is helping BC Sailing in leveraging further funding and updates for the cruising participants due to numbers.


BC Sailing has to be part of the provincial sports system by accepting the changes to the system’s funding formula.  With the introduction of the training membership, BC Sailing will get our fair share of the funding pot and we can further help clubs train coaches and update our learn-to system and introduce new programs.


New Training Membership Policy


BC Sailing is the association which delivers and maintains all the learn-to programs from Wet Feet to racing.  BC Sailing trains and certifies the coaches who work at all BC Sailing member school and clubs as well as updates and creates new courses and manuals for both sailors and coaches (courses such as Wet Feet, Optimist 1, Optimist 2, Double handed, camp program and more to come in 2011).


As of 2012, BC Sailing will implement a training membership of $10 for all participants in any Learn-To Program at every club and school.  Included in the $10 will be the seal and certificate for the sailor for the program (could be White Sail, or Bronze Sail, Optimist or Wet Feet).  Each club can upload the number of registered Learn-To participants at the end of June and BC Sailing will send out the seals and certificates you will need.  The fee of $10 should be charged to the participant as membership fee to BC Sailing.  This fee has to be submitted to BC Sailing when you order the seals and certificates.  You might have participants added or withdrawing throughout the season, so adjustments can be doing during the summer.  At the end of the season, the club and school are responsible for uploading and emailing BC Sailing the names and level achieved by each participant as well as the coach and the coaching number for the coach who issued the certificate and taught the student.  This information can be sent in throughout the summer or at the latest October 1st each year.



June Clubs and schools send registered participants' information and $10 per participant to BC Sailing.
BC Sailing will then send the same number of seals and certificates to the club or school
July and August As more sailors register throughout the summer, information and fee can be sent to BC Sailing and seals and certificates will be sent out accordingly.
October 1 Last day to send in participant information and $10 membership fee.

What information has to be sent and how is it sent to BC Sailing?

BC Sailing needs the following information about each member (participant):

·      first and last initial

·      birth date

·      sex

·      postal code

This is the same information collected by all other PSOs and is required for sport funding.  All information can be emailed to BC Sailing at  A template for the data collection will be available on the BC Sailing website.


How will this new structure help the clubs and schools?

With the increase in number of participants registered BC Sailing can further our work in developing and implementing courses such as boat safety, camps, introduction to sailing for schools etc.

Each sailor will have their level registered at BC Sailing allowing the participant to get seals and certificates re-issued in case they loose their papers.

The seals and certificates are paid for by the participant, reducing the cost for the clubs.


What does the club/school have to do?

Add $10 to the registration fee for each Learn-To Participant

Submit the fee along with a list of seals and certificates needed for the summer

Make adjustments as the summer goes along

Submit the list of final seals and certificates by October 1st to BC Sailing.


Training Membership

Under the Training Membership program, all Learn-To-Sail and Learn-To-Cruise/Power students will receive a year membership with BC Sailing.  The seal for levels that students complete will be sent by BC Sailing to the club where the participant is taking their course. 


BC Sailing wants to make it clear that we will not be supplying the list of Training Members to any of our sponsors/partners nor to the BC Government.  However, it is important that we have information for each participants on file in the event that BC Sailing was ever audited by the BC Government for the numbers that we report.

    © 2006 BC Sailing Association

    Empowered by Port 80 Solutions