Pleasure Craft Operator Card Seminar:
As of September 15, 2002 the new boating regulations now state "Any persons operating a powerboat under 4 meters (13.2 feet) must have an Operator's Card; this includes personal water craft. Also, anyone born after April 1, 1983 must have proof of competency."
A 3-hr seminar with exam is the first step to becoming a safe and responsible power-boat operator. This is a great seminar for the entire family!
Fee: $45 (includes tax, reference material, exam, and license processing fees)
Locations: BC Sailing and supporting host clubs will offer the PCOC Seminar at the following locations in 2008:
Squamish July 10, 6 - 9:00 pm
Cultus Lake July 17, 6 - 9:00 pm
Powell River July 24, 6 - 9:00 pm
Nicola Lake July 24, 6 - 9:00 pm
Vernon July 28, 6 - 9:00 pm
Summerland August 14, 6 - 9:00 pm
Ladysmith August 21, 6 - 9:00 pm