Learn to Cruise - Advanced Cruising Instructor
- Be 20 years of age or older;
- Be an intermediate Cruising Instructor registered for the current year;
- Have logged 300 hours teaching as a CYA Cruising Instructor with 50% or more of this time teaching on the water, and have taught at least 2 Intermediate live-aboard programs leading to CYA Intermediate Standard certification.
- Have logged cruising time of 30 days as a skipper, with a minimum of 5 overnight passages;
- Have a current Red Cross, St. John Ambulance or other nationally recognized Standard First Aid Certificate;
- Have a current nationally recognized certificate in CPR, level B;
- Have a VHF radio operator's certificate;
- Have Spark START or equivalent PCOC card.
- Be recommended by an LTC Instructor Evaluator registered for the current year.
For more information,visit the CYA's website.