Learn to Cruise - Cruising Instructor Evaluator (IE)
The CYA Learn to Cruise Committee certifies cruising Instructor-Evaluators at a National CYA Cruising Instructor-Evaluator Clinic. Participation at this clinic is by application to the CYA LTC Committee.
- To further the aims of the CYA in all areas;
- To represent the CYA and Provincial Sailing Association in the IE's geographic area;
- To promote and encourage safe sailing techniques;
- To remain current technically and to continue self-development;
- To actively participate in the LTC Instructor Development Program within the certification period by;
a) Organizing and conducting instructor certification, re-certification and instructor development clinics; and
b) Evaluating and coaching instructor candidates;
- To actively participate in the evolution an development of the LTC Program by developing and evaluating manuals, teaching materials, curriculum's and proposed changes to the Standards; and
- To monitor and deliver the LTC Program and accept, maintain, and enhance the LTC Standards by advising on policy and ensuring the Standards are thoroughly taught and properly evaluated.
- Be 21 years old or over;
- Be a current registered:
a) Coastal Navigation and Advanced Cruising Instructor for one year and have conducted at least two advanced programs leading to CYA Advanced Standard certification (ADVANCED OR OFFSHORE IE); or
b) Intermediate Instructor and have taught a minimum of four programs leading to CYA Intermediate student certification (INTERMEDIATE IE); or
c) CYA Dingy IE (Black) and CYA Basic Instructor and have taught a minimum of six programs leading to CYA Basic student certification (BASIC IE); or
d) Intermediate Power instructor for one year and have conducted at least two intermediate programs (POWER IE);
- Have current Standard First Aid, CPR level B or higher, and VHF operator's certificates, and PCOC card;
- Achieve a minimum of 90% on written examinations;
- Demonstrate ability to sail and teach at the at the highest instructor certification level;
- Demonstrate characteristics worthy of being an IE;
- Be able to evaluate and critique in a positive manner;
- Demonstrate a willingness and commitment to promote and uphold the goals of the CYA LTC Standards and policies including those of the candidate's respective provincial sailing association;
- Be recommended by an Instructor-Evaluator registered for the current year (a Cruising IE for Learn to Cruise candidates, a PowerBoat instructor-Evaluator for Learn to PowerBoat candidates) and the respective provincial sailing association; and
- Be accepted by the CYA LTC Committee.
- The number of IEs in each region is based on demand. Becoming an IE is a privilege, not a right.
- Programming of IE Clinics is under the auspices of the CYA LTC Committee.
- Upon successful completion of a CYA Learn to Cruise Clinic, the IE Candidate must demonstrate the ability to organize, teach and conduct a Basic Cruising Instructor Clinic under the auspices of two current IEs who will be required to evaluate the IE Candidate's performance and submit a recommendation to the CYA LTC Committee immediately following the clinic. This process must be completed within twelve months.
For more information on Responsibilities and Duties of IE's:
Visit the CYA's website.